The Health and Human Services Collaborative 

The Health and Human Services Collaborative (HHSC) of the Family Resource Network of the Panhandle (FRNOTP) brings together broad representation from Berkeley, Jefferson, and Morgan Counties of West Virginia to identify and achieve solutions needed to enhance the well-being of children, families, and their communities.  The HHSC and its Work Groups accomplish this work through a  planning process that includes specific goals, objectives, and activities. The resulting HHSC Work Plan is coordinated by the HHSC Steering Committee of the FRNOTP Board. The HHSC strives to ensure all sectors of the community are represented on the Work Groups that develop and implement its overall HHSC Work Plan.

HHSC Work Group Meetings

HHSC Work Groups are currently holding on-line meetings, with some moving to a hybrid format.  If you are uncertain as to the work group’s meeting information and would like more information, contact the work group chair listed below:
Behavioral Health Work Group:  Jeremy Speer at jeremy,
Health Work Group:  Dana DeJarnett at
KIT (Kids in Transition) Collaborative:  Deb Barthlow at
Strong and Stable Families:  Samantha Heltzel

Each HHSC work group addresses its mission through activities planned at regularly scheduled meetings with exceptions for inclement weather.   For information on previous meetings, including minutes or agendas, contact

HHSC Quarterly Meetings

The HHSC meets on the first Friday of March, June, October, and December (unless otherwise scheduled).  Meetings follow topical matters of interest.  All are welcome to participate.  The next meeting is being planned for September 2023

Operating Principles of the HHSC